Home >> Chapter 3 - The Power of Tech >> Sustaining the Task Force


The uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, the risk of being infected, and the prospect of working non-stop took an emotional and psychological toll on frontline workers. The CSSCOM leadership thought hard about how they could sustain their various CSSTFs in this long-drawn battle. They knew that their people, on whom the success of the mission depended, would have to be deployed to the frontlines for many of the CSSTFs' tasks. Their health and safety had to be taken care of, while they worked hard to care for the needs of others.

Conducting a Survey

A defence psychologist conducting a survey with a serviceman from a CSSTF.
Source: MINDEF

An internal Care Task Force was set up to watch over the physical and emotional needs of the soldiers and their families. Defence psychologists conducted surveys to understand the soldiers' morale and any problems they had. There was a safety team to ensure that the CSSTFs personnel adhered to safety protocols and their well-being was preserved.

BG Terry Tan BG Terry Tan

BG Terry Tan engaging servicemen of a CSSTF to ensure they are physically and mentally supported well throughout the COVID-19 fight.
Source: MINDEF


m.Detect, a face mask detection software developed by HQ MES to enforce proper mask wearing.
Source: MINDEF

In addition, HQ Maintenance and Engineering Support (HQ MES) was tasked to develop ops-tech solutions to mitigate operational risks so that the servicemen and servicewomen could focus on their mission and return home safely to their loved ones. HQ MES responded quickly with a slew of digital solutions. One of these was the development of the m.Detect software, which helped to detect and enforce the proper wearing of masks. All these efforts helped safeguard the well-being and morale of the CSSTFs soldiers, and bolstered the success of their mission.