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ACGS Assistant Chief of the General Staff
AIC Army Information Centre
ALP Action Learning Process
AMB Army Maintenance Base
AQI Al-Qaeda in Iraq
Army Int Army Intelligence
ASSeT Accompanying Sea Security Team
ATEC Army Training Evaluation Centre
BAR Before Activity Review
BHAG Big Hairy Audacious Goal
BMT Basic Military Training
BMTC Basic Military Training Centre
BP Battle Procedure
C2 Command and Control
C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence
CCF Community Care Facility
CDF Chief of Defence Force
CO Commanding Officer
COA Chief of Army
COU Critical Ops Unit
COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease-2019
CRF Community Recovery Facility
CSM Company Sergeant Major
CSSTST Combat Service Support Tech Support Team
CSSCOM Combat Service Support Command
CSSTF Combat Service Support Task Force
CTC Contact Tracing Centre
DAR During Activity Review
DFC Data Fusion Centre
DJO Director of Joint Operations
DORSCON Disease Outbreak Response System Condition
DSO DSO National Laboratories
DSTA Defence Science and Technology Agency
DTC Defence Technology Community
EHTF Emergency Housing Task Force
ESG Enterprise Singapore Group
FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FAST Forward Assurance and Support Team
FCC Fitness Conditioning Centre
FDL Forward Deployment Laboratories
FSG Forward Support Group
HPB Health Promotion Board
HQ AMS HQ Army Medical Services
HQ MES HQ Maintenance and Engineering Support
HRP Home Recovery Programme
HRTG Home Recovery Task Group
HSTF Health Surveillance Task Force
ICT In-Camp Training
ICU Intensive Care Unit
IPPT Individual Physical Proficiency Test
IPT IPPT Preparatory Training
JOD Joint Operations Department
JTF(A) Joint Task Force (Assurance)
MINDEF Ministry of Defence
MO Medical Officer
MOH Ministry of Health
MOM Ministry of Manpower
MOTF Medical Operations Task Force
MRTT Multi-Role Tanker Transport
MSF Ministry of Social and Family Development
MSOC MINDEF-SAF Operations Complex
MSS Mobile Swab Station
MVP Minimum Viable Product
MWC Migrant Worker Centre
MWCM Migrant Worker Conveyance Monitoring
NCID National Centre for Infectious Diseases
NDP National Day Parade
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NS FIT NS Fitness Improvement Training
OC Officer Commanding
ORBAT Order of Battle
P2HA Phase 2 Heightened Alert
PBD Purpose-Built Dormitory
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction
PSD Public Service Division
RIMPAC Rim of the Pacific Exercise
RSAF Republic of Singapore Air Force
RSN Republic of Singapore Navy
RT Remedial Training
SAF Singapore Armed Forces
SAR Singapore Armoured Regiment
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SCE Singapore Combat Engineers
SHN Stay-Home Notice
SIB Singapore Infantry Brigade
SIR Singapore Infantry Regiment
SMM Safe Management Measures
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
ULT Ultra Low Temperature
VUCA-D Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous and Disruptive
WoG Whole-of-Government
WoN Whole-of-Nation