Home >> Leadership Resources Main Page >> Key Leadership Development Concept >> SAF Leadership Competency Model (LCM)
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Competencies Core Competencies
(for Leader Performance)
Meta Competency
(for Leader Growth)
Conceptual Thinking Social Mission Developmental Self
Skills Critical Thinking Communicating to Influence Planning Developing People Self-Awareness
Creative Thinking Interpersonal Effectiveness Decision-Making Developing Team Self-Management
Ethical Reasoning   Execution Improving the Organisation Personal Mastery

Mission Competency

The SAF leader is a mission-focused individual. He understands the intent of the mission and efficiently plans to ensure a successful outcome. He develops contingency plans to deal with potential negative outcomes. He is able to manage a number of crises simultaneously and remain focused in the face of multiple distractions. He copes well with ambiguity and makes decisions even when not all the facts are available. He leverages on technology to gain a decisive edge so that the mission can be achieved efficiently and effectively. This competency consists of three skills: Planning, Decision-Making and Execution.


Focuses on the mission at all times: Understands the intent of the mission and prioritises based on urgency and importance. He sets goals and objectives; plans to ensure that these are executed in a timely manner; uses the appropriate planning process; leverages technology, knowledge and previous experience in planning; adapts plans when necessary to achieve the desired outcome.


Knows when to use the art and science of decision making to make choices and decisions when required. Leverages on past experience and specialist knowledge of others to make sound decisions in the absence of information; remains rational and objective when making decisions. Acts decisively; is willing to make difficult decisions; will commit to bold actions to gain decisive advantage.


Leverages on technology, people and processes to enhance command and control; takes charge of the mission; senses the environment and responds to new developments; monitors, evaluates and assesses progress, adapts and implements contingency plans as required; decisive; ensures mission accomplishment.

Developmental Competency

This competency is desired at 3 levels in the SAF Leader: Individual, team and organisation. At the individual level, he develops his subordinates through effective coaching and mentoring. He develops team capacities by harnessing individual strengths and diversity of views to enhance the output of the team; he unifies the team by focusing on common goals, and clarifying roles, rules and relationships. At the organisation level, he provides the catalyst for change and champions change efforts. This competency consists of 3 skills that address building capacity at three levels: Developing People (individual), Developing Team and Improving Organisation.

Developing People

Demonstrates interest in the development of each individual under command; creates challenges through delegation and empowerment to ensure that everyone can reach their full potential; provides feedback, coaching and counselling; recognises and rewards achievement; motivates and inspires subordinates to grow.

Developing Team

Creates a spirit of comradeship and trust within the team; ensures that team members are unified through the achievement of common goals; builds team morale and resolves conflict; ensures team learning.

Improving Organisation

Proactive in recognising the need to transform; creates the rationale for change; champions, manages and sees through the change efforts; sees beyond or beneath the ways things are conventionally done, and continually seeks ways to improve the organisation.

Self Competency

This competency refers to skills required to manage oneself and develop one's own capabilities. The SAF leader possesses a dynamic capacity for self-awareness and self-management. He is self-motivated to learn and grow as a leader. He has high self-awareness and is able to leverage on his strengths and overcome his weaknesses to be more effective. The 3 main components are Self-Awareness, Self-Management and Personal Mastery. For this competency, the behaviour indicators would be common across all 3 levels of leadership (direct, organisation, strategic).


Recognises one's own moods, emotions and drives, as well as their effect on others; demonstrates a deep understanding of one's strengths and limitations.


Controls one's own emotions and impulses; remains calm and composed under stress; maintains confidence in one's abilities and adopts a positive outlook; demonstrates cognitive-behavioural flexibility in adapting to ambiguous or changing situations.

Personal Mastery

Continually reflects and raises own consciousness by journalling personal beliefs/assumptions and current reality; engages in personal visioning and goal setting; leverages on own strengths and actively seeks out learning opportunities to develop; commits to continual personal growth and constantly seeks and values personal feedback.