Home >> Chapter 4 - Adapting on the Go >> Applying the SAF's Action Learning Process to Learn on the Go


The SAF's instincts of learning on the go to achieve mission outcomes, when there is uncertainty and pressure of time, were put to the test in dealing with COVID-19. The task forces and the officers supporting them responded to the constantly changing situation and accompanying demands by adapting structures, processes, and procedures to new missions as they emerged. This was best illustrated in how the SAF applied the principles underpinning its day-to-day management of tens of thousands of soldiers in routine training and exercises to the management of the migrant workers during the pandemic.

Both task forces identified the need to break down organisational and cultural silos. This was important so that the disparate groups, with the SAF's different ground units working alongside other ministries and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), would be aligned in pursuit of a shared intent and mission and could effectively harness the strengths of inter-agency collaboration.

A multi-agency discussion A multi-agency discussion

A multi-agency discussion involving MOM, MOH and the SAF.
Source: MINDEF

Through the months of COVID operations, we could see that when the purpose was very clear, everybody - regardless of where they were from, there's no line drawn - everybody just came together to support one another.

Alphonsus Chua
Head Infrastructure, MOM

The first step they took was to reorganise the numerous agencies under each task force into task-oriented teams. This was adapted from the way that the SAF would employ all its Services and Formations in times of crisis and war. The task forces also carried out the Before Activity Review (BAR) step of the Action Learning Process (ALP) before new tasks were undertaken. In the BAR, lessons learnt from past experiences were factored into the design of the upcoming operation. This contributed to better alignment among the various groups - most evidently in the FAST, which established medical posts with MOH to isolate COVID-19 patients, and transferred close contracts of the patients to quarantine facilities.

Daily DAR session Daily DAR session

Daily DAR session involving FAST personnel and dormitory managers.
Source: MINDEF

Crucially, learning on the go continued as the missions and situations evolved. These were similar to the During Activity Review (DAR) that are typically conducted in the midst of SAF operations, when actions already taken are reviewed to check if they have achieved the original intent and adjustments are made if necessary. The task forces constantly applied the SAF's ALP in their COVID-19 operations, and this helped them stay agile to manage new challenges on the ground.

The Action Learning Process

The Action Learning Process is one of three Leadership Development Processes in the SAF that provide a comprehensive and systematic approach to the design of learning in context. It is a design frame that can be implemented in training, exercises and operations such as during the COVID-19 operations, to support structured conversations and organisational learning. These skills are taught to young leaders in the SAF schools, so that they will be confident to put them into practice when they lead learning and operations in the units.