Home >> Chapter 8 - Command in a Complex Environment >> Introduction | COVID-19 Positive! What Do We Do Now?

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Mr Lee Xin Li

Less than three months after COVID-19 appeared in Singapore, after about 2,500 cases, the Government imposed the “Circuit Breaker” on 7 April 2020. Shortly after, the first confirmed case in an SAF combat unit surfaced. Vaccinations were still over half a year away and Antigen Rapid Testing was not yet available.


It was a Sunday and LTC Michael Enriquez, CO of 2 SIR, was enjoying time with his family. Until his phone rang. It was CPT Zimmer Chong, his Officer Commanding (OC) of Support Company. “Sir, we have a situation. PTE “A” from Mortar Platoon just tested PCR Positive!” The words rang in LTC Enriquez's ears. After asking about "A's" condition, he told CPT Chong, “We have no time to lose. Get the details and push up an incident report.” “Already on it, Sir,” CPT Chong replied.

LTC Enriquez quickly called MAJ Ian Vanderput, his Operations Officer. He was thinking, “Hell! I haven't heard of a COVID case in a combat unit in the SAF yet. Is this the first one?” Then - “It's Sunday! The battalion is booking in tonight!” The thought made his stomach churn. But before he could dwell on it, MAJ Vanderput's voice came over the line. “Ian, it's CO. We've got a COVID-19 case in Support Company. Here's what I need you to do.”