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Foreword by the Minister for Defence

Dr Ng visiting SAF personnel deployed at S11 Dormitory @ Punggol on 9 April 2020.

The battle against a biological enemy during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore provided valuable lessons and experience for MINDEF and the SAF.

First, it gave insights on how bioterrorism might affect our country and the region. Disruption of supply lines for essential goods and services coupled with psychological fear, polarisation and divisiveness within our population creates fertile ground to sow discord and disunity. For the SAF, our response in such circumstances must ensure the continuity of goods and services, as well as social cohesion. These mission objectives are not apparent in a civilian crisis for our Army, Navy or Air Force, but nevertheless essential to maintain a well-functioning military whose NS soldiers, sailors and airmen are drawn from the general population. The SAF has therefore already incorporated them by learning from this pandemic.

Second, it validated some capabilities of the SAF. These include stabilising COVID-19 outbreaks in migrant worker dormitories, setting up Community Care and Recovery Facilities, running contact tracing and medical logistics operations, developing command and control systems, and starting the national home recovery programme. These efforts helped save lives, prevented our healthcare system from being overwhelmed, and provided assurance to Singaporeans. Through these episodes, SAF commanders showed their ability to operate and help deliver key outcomes despite the “fog of war”, where knowledge is incomplete and goal-posts shift.

Third, MINDEF and the SAF scored highly in innovation, in our ability to come up with novel solutions to deal with pressing problems. Scientists and engineers from DSO National Laboratories (DSO) and Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) developed and operationalised Forward Deployment Laboratories for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing. DSO and HQ Medical Corps also partnered the Agency for Science, Technology and Research in developing the RESOLUTE Direct-PCR diagnostic test kit, which halved testing time from three hours to within 90 minutes. IT professionals from DSTA, ST Engineering, and NCS worked with the SAF round the clock to deliver command and control systems to manage dormitory operations, contact tracing, COVID-19 testing and food supply chain risk management. Army and DSTA engineers built Mobile Swab Stations that allowed for the swift deployment of swab teams to numerous dormitories, as well as Mobile Express Scanners which improved the efficiency of the swab operations.

Last but certainly not least, I was gratified that through it all, more than 6,000 personnel who were deployed across a wide range of operations displayed professionalism and service before self. Many went beyond the call of duty. Regulars, NSFs and NSmen risked their own health and their families to serve COVID-19 patients at the Singapore EXPO Community Care Facility. NSFs extended their full-time NS to support COVID-19 operations.

Even as they contributed to the fight against COVID-19, our people continued to maintain a high level of readiness to keep Singapore safe from external threats. We continued to deliver on our primary mission, kept our transformation on track, and ensured the health, safety and well-being of our people.

I would like to express my gratitude to the men and women of MINDEF, SAF, DSTA, DSO, MINDEF-related organisations and other civilian partner agencies who have given of their best during the COVID-19 pandemic. May these accounts inspire future generations as we seek to surmount every crisis that come our way.