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Action Learning Process

Action Learning Process

The Action Learning Process (ALP), sometimes referred to as the 1-3-5-7, is one of the three Leadership Development (LD) Processes in the SAF. It was designed to operationalise LD Practices in the SAF.

The central idea behind the Action Learning Process (ALP) is that leaders must lead learning in their teams, in order to create the necessary knowledge for themselves, their teams, their units and the SAF as an organisation. This knowledge can be for their development, doctrine, or simply, to reduce the potential for mistakes to occur. ALP therefore contributes to the SAF's demand for quality leadership at all levels, and ensures that learning in units is systematically designed and executed.

ALP establishes a common framework for learning at the individual, team and organisational levels. It improves the rate of learning and leadership effectiveness, leading to enhanced individual and team performance while strengthening engagement and commitment. The Process is based on three Stages of Before Activity Review (BAR), During Activity Review (DAR) and Post Activity Review (PAR), involving five LD Practices (Reflection & Journaling, Coaching, Facilitation, Storytelling and Team Building & Team Learning) and supported by seven Tools (Design Template, Snapshot/Goal-setting, Tetra Model, 2-5-1 and STOP Storytelling, Observation-Reflection-Recommendation, and 3-2-1 Summarisation).

Additional Resource(s) Here:

Guide to Action Learning Process