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People were particularly anxious to get their hands on face masks, and the anxiety only grew as they faced difficulty getting them. The SAF was quickly called to action. The mission: to pack and distribute 5.5 million surgical masks across the island. That was the first task for the Combat Service Support Command (CSSCOM) as they joined the nation's fight against COVID-19. Within 48 hours, all the surgical masks were packed and delivered. That was a time of great uncertainty, as there was still little known about the disease. It was not clear whether another sizeable task force was needed. What was clear was that the SAF would have to play its part in the WoG effort to deal with COVID-19.

I had a similar experience as Chairman Logistics and Finance in National Day Parade 2015, when we delivered fun packs to every Singaporean household. However, we had much more time to plan and execute then. The mask distribution operation was something totally new for the SAF. But our training had prepared us well as leaders, to enable us to sense-make and adapt so that we could meet all the demands of the task that had been assigned to us.

COL Tan See Hai Melvin
Chief Transport Officer / Commander for Mask Delivery Operation

LTC Danny Poh

SAF personnel donning hairnets, latex gloves and surgical masks to ensure hygiene while packing masks.
Source: MINDEF

CSSCOM packed 5.5 million masks in 48 hours and distributed to 89 Community Clubs and Centres for 1.39 million households.

1,500 SAF personnel packed 5.5 million masks in a 48-hour operation 1,500 SAF personnel packed 5.5 million masks in a 48-hour operation

1,500 SAF personnel packed 5.5 million masks in a 48-hour operation at SAFTI Military Institute.
Source: MINDEF

BG Terry Tan, Commander CSSCOM, knew from the onset that CSSCOM had to play a critical supporting role. This included providing specialised logistics management skillsets that other entities sorely needed as they would soon be stood up to join the fight against COVID-19. He was mindful that his resources had to be carefully allocated to where they could make the most impact. With that in mind, CSSCOM opted for a different approach from the other SAF task forces. Instead of setting up a large, centrally managed entity, a series of smaller and more nimble Combat Service Support Task Forces (CSSTFs) were specially configured to support the different bodies and agencies across MINDEF and the rest of the Government. CSSCOM could then be more agile and give more effective support as demands evolved rapidly. Numerous CSSTFs were eventually set up to support the frontline entities in their logistics planning and execution and to develop technology solutions to carry out these critical functions effectively and sustainably.