The circle and the triangle in the figure below provides a heuristic for thinking and talking about the meaning of leadership in the SAF:
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SAF Leadership (24/7) Framework
Triangle ('Building Blocks')
This triangle provides a framework for specifying 'what SAF Leaders need' for effective leadership. The hierarchy of 'building blocks' says values must always form the basic foundation, upon which competencies and a full range of styles are best employed in leadership. The 'Self' (consisting of self-awareness, self-management and personal mastery) is most difficult to attain, and includes a good understanding of one's own values, competencies and styles. The hierarchy does not prescribe a sequence for development or imply that some 'building blocks' are more important than others.
Circle ('Leadership Context')
The circle emphasises that SAF Leaders must influence people with a good understanding of the SAF's mission and purpose, the operating environment and desired outcomes. It is these three aspects of the 'leadership context' that shape the specific contents of the framework, i.e. the specific styles, competencies and values desired in each Service or level of leadership in the SAF.
Circle and Triangle
Together, the 'building blocks' (triangle) and 'leadership context' (circle) spell out the scope of concerns of LD system in the SAF. In other words, when we think of 'leadership development in the SAF', it includes education and training in the domain of values, competencies, styles and 'self'. All this must be done in cognisance of the mission and purpose of the SAF, the SAF's operating environment, and the desired outcomes.